Sensitive intestine
Hima Paka is a synergy of herbs that promotes appetite and digestion for people with sensitive intestines.
It reduces pitta while promoting a balanced “Agni” (digestive fire). Thus it is an aperitif, and it is best to take Hima Paka before meals, or during the day, whereas Tikshna Paka should be taken just after meals to promote a weak digestive fire. Furthermore, Hima Paka expels Āma from the digestive system.
Sanskrit: Hima = snow; Paka = transformation
Hima Paka
Sensitive intestine

- Our freshness envelope, despite resembling plastic, is made from cellulose therefore compostable.
- Our teabags and string are also compostable.
- Our tag is made from recyclable PEFC™ paper.
Note: we sell the majority of our infusions only in tea bags and not in bulk. The difference in density of the ingredients would make the heavier ones fall to the bottom of the container. Thus, the mixture would lose its homogeneity and the medicinal proportions would not be preserved.
Ayurvedic benefits
Based on the principles of Ayurvedic Herbalism or “Dravya Guṇa“, Hima Paka is a plant synergy that promotes appetite and digestion of people with a sensitive stomach/intestine. This mixture soothes irritations (including acidity) and quenches thirst, it decreases Pitta and stimulates Agni, the digestive fire, at the same time.
Pradeep, June 2nd, 2018
“I am very satisfied with your different products. I used to have serious digestion problems and had a very sensitive intestine. I drank Hima Paka every night before going to bed, and slowly I began to see a difference in myself within a month. Now it has been almost 4 months that I drink regularly this tea and I am less scared about my intestinal sensitivity and I eat everything that I like!”
Coriander* – France
Amla* – Sri Lanka / India
Licorice* – India / Spain / Italy / Egypt
Green Cardamom* – India / Guatemala
Fennel* – France
Fumitory* – France
Clove* – India / Madagascar / Sri Lanka / Tanzania
Great yellow gentian* – France
Willow* – France
*: From organic farming
– Rasa (taste): sweet, bitter and sour.
– Guṇa (quality): balanced, neither light nor heavy, dry nor unctuous.
– Vīrya (energy): rather cold.
– Vipāka (result): mainly pungent.
Use one tea bag of Himapaka for 200ml of boiling water.
Steep 10 to 12 minutes.
Drink a cup before or after meals in small sips.
May be used with a tablespoon of organic pomegranate juice per cup.
Vaidya's advice
• Eat a freshly prepared meal in a pleasant place with people you feel at ease with.
• Avoid debating or focusing on anything else than your food during meals.
• Before you sit down, make sure your previous meal is digested, that you are hungry. Then take a few deep breaths and start eating with mindfulness and gratitude.