Sandhi is a synergy of herbs that supports, in women, this delicate transitional period of passing the baton between pitta and vāta. This infusion will liquefy rakta dathu, improve Agni to nourish dathu threatened by general dryness. It contributes to female hormonal balance during climacterium. This synergy tends to balance pitta in its lodge and attunes it to vāta in its vyāna form. The external environment (bhāya mārga) thus remains free of āma.
Sankrit: sandhi = transition

- Our freshness envelope, despite resembling plastic, is made from cellulose therefore compostable.
- Our teabags and string are also compostable.
- Our tag is made from recyclable PEFC™ paper.
Note: we sell the majority of our infusions only in tea bags and not in bulk. The difference in density of the ingredients would make the heavier ones fall to the bottom of the container. Thus, the mixture would lose its homogeneity and the medicinal proportions would not be preserved.
Ayurvedic benefits
Based on the principles of Ayurvedic herbology or “Dravya Guṇa“, Sandhi is a synergy of plants that promotes the transition period in middle-aged women. This formula balances Pitta in its location and tunes it with Vāta in its Vyāna form. The periphery of the body (bhāya mārga) thus remains free of Āma and allows a smooth “take over” from Pitta to Vāta.
Blackcurrant* – France
Yarrow* – France
Fennel* – France
Common grape vine* – France
Vitex* – Morocco
Angelica* – France
Fumitory* – France
Hop* – France
Fenugreek* – India / France
Ginger* – Indonesia
Cumin*– Turkey
*: From organic farming
– Rasa (taste): astringent, bitter and pungent with a slightly sweet after taste.
– Guṇa (quality): light.
– Vīrya (energy): balanced, neither hot nor cold.
– Vipāka (result): pungent.
Use a tea bag of Sandhi for 200 ml of boiling water.
Steep 8 to 10 minutes.
Drink one to four cups a day.
Vaidya's advice
• Find a pace of life that fits you.
• Pay attention to your bowel, if irregular, regulate it.
• Adjust your timings: sleep, rising, meals, and exercise. Exercise regularly according to your strength.
• Clean your body (diets, cleanses) during transition periods (seasons, age).